ECLair has 4 general-purpose registers, named A through D. In addition, there are several other registers used to control the CPU itself, and some accessible only from within microcode to handle internal system functions.
General Purpose Registers
- 4 general purpose registers: A, B, C, and D
- Also accessible as 8-bit halves AL, AH, BL, BH, CL, CH, DL, and DH
- ECLair is load-store architecture, so most operations operate on these registers
Special User-Accessible Registers
- Program Counter: PC
- Keeps track of what address in memory is currently being executed.
- Implemented as a counter, microcode can load the counter from Z or increment the counter
- From userspace, can modify this using jmp instructions
- Stack Pointer: SP
- Keeps track of where the end of the stack currently is.
- Microcode can do all normal register operations with this, and it’s used for push/pop operations.
- From userspace, can load/store this like any other register.
- Page Table Block – PTB
- Keeps track of which block of the page table we’re currently using. This may get implement as one block per PID once a *NIX port happens, or each process may get more than one block, not sure yet.
- Microcode and userspace can load this but not read it back
- Used internally in the paging subsystem to control the page table
- System Flags and Status – STATUS/FLAGS
- High byte holds various system flags:
- Bit 9 – Paging Enabled – PE
- Bit 8 – Mode – M (Supervisor/User)
- Bit 7 – Interrupts Enabled – IE
- Low byte holds various system status bits:
- Bit 2 – Equal – E
- Bit 1 – Carry/Overflow – CO
- Bit 0 – Zero – Z
- High byte holds various system flags:
Internal Microcode Registers
- IR – Instruction Register
- Instruction currently being executed is held in this register
- Microcode loads this as part of the instruction fetch
- RR – Register Register (a.k.a. IR2)
- Second byte of the instruction currently being executed is held in this register, if the instruction is a two-byte one
- Two-byte instructions are ones that affect two different registers
- Lower nibble is a register specification
- Upper nibble is currently unused
- Microcode can use data from this register to specify which register to read
- Second byte of the instruction currently being executed is held in this register, if the instruction is a two-byte one
- MAR – Memory Address Register
- Memory location being addressed is held in this register
- Can be loaded from Z or PC, drives the address bus (via the paging subsystem if PE flag is on) during memory read/write operations
- MDR – Memory Data Register
- Contents retrieved from memory or contents about to be written to memory are held in this register
- Can be loaded from Z (for memory writes) or data bus (for memory reads)
- When loading from data bus, can load either the high or low byte selectively as the data bus is 8 bits and this register is 16
- RPT – Repeat Register
- Allows microcode sequences to be executed multiple times
- Implemented as a counter, can be loaded from Z or decremented, and microcode can branch based on whether RPT=0
- ALU Input Registers: X, Y
- 16-bits wide each
- Microcode loads these as needed from the XY bus
- ALU is connected to these two registers